Thank you for choosing my office. I look forward to meeting you at your scheduled appointment. You are welcome to fill out patient forms found on this website prior to your appointment or come 15 minutes prior to your appointment to fill them out in the office. Please contact the office directly 24 hours before your appointment should you need to reschedule your office visit.
Appointments can be made or canceled online, or by calling Dr. Moskovis (858) 259-6272. Appointments are 45 minutes each session.
New patients, please arrive 20 minutes in advance of your appointment time to fill out New Patient paperwork.
Existing Patients – if you are having trouble finding an appointment, call the office, or email:
For SAME DAY APPOINTMENTS – if available, please call the office at 760-310-5825.
1. Cancel your appointment online if you cannot attend. You will be charged for an appointment not canceled within 24-hours of your scheduled time.
2. If you do not cancel and do not show up for your appointment, it will be impossible to make another online appointment and you will need to call the office to reschedule.
NOTE: If you cannot find an appointment time that works for you or you need assistance with scheduling, please call the office at: 760-310-5825, or email your request to: This email is only used for scheduling and not as a means of communication for treatment. Click below to schedule an appointment now.
*You need only set up an account ONCE. Please remember your password for future appointment scheduling.
You must click “confirm” the appointment once you make it. There are two steps to scheduling (or canceling). If you do not receive an email confirmation (or cancellation) of the appointment immediately, you have not made (or canceled) an appointment.